How To Put Fraction Into Powerpoint For Mac 2011

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In PowerPoint, you can use category names, series names, or values asData Labels within charts -- more often than not,most charts show values as Data Labels -- and values denote numbers! When you use numbers as Data Labels, you may want to format them forseveral reasons such as limiting or expanding the number of decimal digits shown, or including the currency symbol along with the values,or show the value in percentage etc. By default, PowerPoint just shows numbers without any formatting, as shown in Figure 1,below.

Figure 1: Default Data Labels
Since all data for a chart in PowerPoint comes from Excel, you canformat the Data Labels withinExcel itself, but that approach will cause the entire values within the chart to follow the same formatting -- including the axes!Fortunately, you can format the values used within only the Data Labels in PowerPoint 2011. Follow these steps to learn more:

Add: Click to open the Choose a File browser, where you can browse to an add-in template in Finder and add your add-in to the list. Remove: Click to remove the selected add-in from the list. In Word, when you select an add-in’s check box or click the Add button, you load the template, thereby making the VBA routines that it has available globally within all open documents in Word. How to Format Fractions to Percentages in Excel. Decimals and percentages are different ways of representing the same value. Sometimes, percentages can better communicate the 'big picture' than decimals. For example, it may be more effective to show that 16 percent of customers bought a product rather than 1/6. A simple fraction (for example ½) consists of an integer numerator, displayed above a line (or before a slash), and a non-zero integer denominator, displayed below (or after) that line. The numerator represents a number of equal parts and the denominator indicates how many of those parts make up a whole. I was asked a question via email by a Macgasm reader on how to play an audio clip across a set of slides within PowerPoint for Mac 2011. I knew it was possible, since I’ve done the same thing under Office 2007 on the PC. For years, PowerPoint has had this capability, but not many people know about it. The feature is called the Equation Editor and since PowerPoint 2010, it has been incorporated into the ribbon. Before that, the Equation Editor was a separate window. To access the Equation Editor in PowerPoint 2007 and earlier, choose Insert, Object.

  1. Select the chart -- this displays the Chart Layout and Format tabs on theRibbon area -- select the Chart Layout tab,as shown highlighted in red within Figure 2. Within the Chart Layout tab,click the Data Labels button (highlighted in blue within Figure 2) toopen the Data Labels menu. Within the Data Labels menu select Data Label Options asshown in Figure 2.
    Figure 2: Select the Data Label Options
    Alternatively, select the Data Labels for a Data Series in your chart and right-click (Ctrl+click) to bring up a contextual menu -- fromthis menu, choose the Format Data Labels option as shown in Figure 3.
    Figure 3: Select the Format Data Labels option
  2. Either of the above options will summon the Format Data Labels dialog box -- make sure that the Number option is selected within the sidebar as shown highlighted in red within Figure 4.
    Figure 4: Number option within Format Data Labels dialog box
  3. When you select the Number option, initially you will see that all options are greyed out as shown inFigure 4, above. To make them active, just deselect the Linked to source check-box that you can seehighlighted in blue within Figure 4, above. This will make all options active, as shownin Figure 5.
    Figure 5: Linked to the source check-box deselected
    Out of various Number formats that you can see within Category list in Figure 5 above, most commonlyused formats are Number, Currency, Accounting, and Percentage. Letus explore these options one by one:

    A. Number

    This option is used to display the numbers in general format. Select the Number optionwithin the Category list to access the options that you can see in Figure 6.
    Figure 6: Number format options within the Format Data Labels dialog box
    The options that you get within Number format are:
    • Decimal places: You can decide the number of decimal places you want to show in the Data Labels. Type within thebox the number of decimal places to be shown, or use the up and down arrows.
    • Use 1000 Separator (,): Select this check-box to use a comma to group the digits in thousands.
    • Negative numbers: Here, select a format in which you want the negative numbers to be displayed.

    B. Currency

    This format is used to display monetary values. Here you will find Decimal places,Currency symbol, and Negative numbers options, as shown in Figure 7.
    Figure 7: Currency format options within the Format Data Labels dialog box
    Decimal places and Negative numbers options work similarly as they do with Numberformat. Currency symbol selection box (highlighted in red within Figure 7,above) provides you with various currency symbols to be shown as part of Data Labels.

    C. Accounting

    Formats the Data Labels to include the currency symbol and also specified number of decimal digits.

    D. Percentage

    Multiplies the values by 100 and displays the results along with a percentage symbol and specifiednumber of decimal digits, as Data Labels.
  4. Select the options and format your Data Labels as required. When done, click the OK button to get back to yourslide. In Figure 8, you can see our sample chart after we formatted the Data Labels (compare Figures 1 and8).
    Figure 8: Sample chart with formatted Data Labels
  5. Save your presentation.

Technical professionals frequently have to include mathematical equations intheir PowerPoint presentations. Unfortunately, in many cases the results are notvery professional looking, with everything being different sizes and misaligned.In an effort to improve things, some presenters take screen shots of equations that do look good, and then paste it onto their slide, making a grainy imageof what used to be a good looking equation with a background that doesn'tmatch the rest of the slide. We can do better.

It's not hard to make an equation in PowerPoint that looks good and makes youlook good. First, we'll review how to put an equation into PowerPoint, and thenhow to make it look good.

Starting the equation editor

Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003

First, we'll review how to put an equation on a PowerPoint slide. First,bring up the slide that you want to have the equation and click on the text areato highlight it. Next, look at the menu at the top of the PowerPoint window andyou'll find an item called 'Insert'. Click it and a dropdown menu will appear.Click on 'Object' and a popup window will appear. If you don't see the 'Object'item right away, keep the mouse on the menu and it will expand so that you can seethe item. After the popup window appears, make sure the 'New Item' radio buttonhas been selected (it usually is by default), and in the middle of the windowyou'll see a lengthy list of things you can include, in alphabetical order.Scroll down until you see 'Microsoft Equation 3.0' and double click it. Anotherpopup window will appear that will contain the equation you make.


Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007

Note: PowerPoint 2007 lost some significant functionality compared toPowerPoint 2003. Specifically, if you want equation text other than black, youwill not be able to do it in PowerPoint. To do this, create the equation in Word,including all the formatting you want. Then triple click the equation. Thenright click and select Copy in the menu that pops up. Then switch toPowerPoint. On the Home tab on the ribbon, click on the arrow below thePaste icon. On the menu that pops up, select Paste Special.On the menu that pops up, select Picture (Enhanced Metafile) and clickOK. If this choice is not available, click Cancel, goback to Word, and try again. When you're successful, the equation will appear inyour slide, and you can move it to where you want it. We know this is an uglyworkaround, but we have yet to find a better way. Hopefully, Microsoft will fix thisproblem in the near future, and we'll update this page.

First, we'll review how to put an equation on a PowerPoint slide. First,bring up the slide that you want to have the equation and click on the text areato highlight it. Next, click the Insert tab on the ribbon. Click onthe Object icon in the Text group, which will bring upa popup window. After the popup window appears, make sure the 'Create New' radio buttonhas been selected (it usually is by default), and in the middle of the windowyou'll see a lengthy list of things you can include, in alphabetical order.Scroll down until you see 'Microsoft Equation 3.0' and double click it. Anotherpopup window will appear that will contain the equation you make.

Entering and editing the equation

At the top of the window there should be a toolbar of mathematical symbolsyou can use, as shown in Figure 1.

If you don't see the toolbar, you can make it visible by going to the menuat the top and clicking 'View', and then clicking on 'Toolbar' in the menu.This will put a check next to the item which will make the toolbar appear atthe top of the window.

As an example, we'll make a variation of the equation that you made in Lab 1.In this case, we'll have the phrase 'root=' and then the quadratic equation.Note the box in the Equation Editor window, and the flashing cursor. Like Word,this is where anything you type will appear.

In the text that follows, when we say to type something followed by text inquotes, you should omit the quotes. Start by typing 'root='. Note that the textis relatively large script italics. Next, we want the fraction. Since you'vealready done this in Lab 1, we'll summarize the instructions:

On the toolbar, look for the fraction symbol in the bottom row. Select thefraction symbol out of the dropdown menu. You get a fraction with two boxes, andthe top box has the cursor. Type '-b'. Then select the '±' symbol in the top rowof the toolbar. Next, select the square root symbol, which is in the samedropdown menu as the fraction. We need an exponential, so we select theexponential symbols from the dropdown menu next to the fraction dropdown menu.The exact item you want is the leftmost item in the fourth row. To help youselect the proper item, we show the dropdown menu in Figure 2.

Some new boxes appear, and the cursor is where the exponential goes. Type thenumber '2' and you have the proper power. Now press the cursor down key, orclick on the main box, and the cursor will move down to where you type what willbe squared. Type 'b'. We can now finish up what goes inside the square root bytyping '-4ac'. Next, we'll do the bottom of the fraction. Click on the empty boxat the bottom of the fraction and type '2a'. You've now completed the formula.

The formula is mathematically correct, but it doesn't look very pretty. Whatyou have should look like Figure 3.

There are multiple type sizes and styles. Also, sometimes you might see strangespacing in words. The problem is that as you type the equation, Microsoft Equationcompares what you type with a list of known equations that it recognizes. It then'helps' you by separating the equation name from what comes next, which it viewsas a variable name. The results are frequently wrong. For example, if we use theword 'Pride', Microsoft Equation will recognize this as a function called 'Pr'for assigning probabilities) followed by a variable name 'ide', and will producethe result 'Pride'. We need to fix these kinds of problems along with the rest.

We'll now clean everything up so that theresult looks professional. First, let's see why things look different. Click onthe word 'root'. Then go up to the menu at the top of the window and click'Style'. Note that it there is a check next to the word 'Math'. Click on the'Size' item on the menu and you'll see a check mark next to the word 'Full'. Nowclick on the 'b' that's part of the b2 inside the square root. Onceagain, click on the 'Style' item in the menu and you'll see that 'Math' ischecked, but when you click on 'Size' you'll see that 'Symbol' is checkedinstead of 'Full'. This is why this is a different size. We'll now make this thesame size as everything else so that it looks better. Double click the 'b'that's the wrong size so that it's highlighted. Now go up to the 'Size' menuitem and click on the word 'Full'. The check mark moves from 'Symbol' to 'Full',and the 'b' becomes the same size as everything else, making things look muchbetter. The result is shown in Figure 4.

You can now use this technique any time you enter an equation to make it lookgood.

Some people don't like the italicized script. You can change this too ifyou'd like. The style is what's making the equation look this way. Let's changethe equation to a different style. First, select the entire equation by puttingthe mouse to the left of the equation, pressing the left mouse button, draggingthe mouse across the entire equation, and releasing the mouse button. The entireequation will now be highlighted. Click on the 'Style' menu item and select'Text' instead of 'Math'. Unfortunately, after changing the style, the sizeswill set back to the default, and the 'b' will be the wrong size again. Set thesize back to 'Full' as described above to fix this. The equation now looks likeFigure 5.

If you want, you can try other styles, or define your own. However, the'Math' style, once you fix the size issues, usually looks very good.

Putting the result on your PowerPoint slide

Now that you have an equation that looks good, you can now easily put it onthe PowerPoint slide. Just close the Equation Editor by clicking on 'File' and'Exit and Return to Presentation', or just clicking on the 'X' on the window inthe top right corner, like any other window. You'll now return to yourpresentation with the equation on the slide, but probably not where you want it.Figure 6 shows a typical slide.

Figure 6: Typical slide with formula in the wrong place

We'll now move the formula to the right place, and also resize it. Theequation works just like any other image, so if you know how to work with imageson slides you can skip the rest of this.

Resizing: Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003

If you click on the equation a box of little circles will appear around andthe cursor will turn into crosshairs with arrows on them. You can now drag theequation to where you want it. Just press the left mouse button, drag the mouseto where you want the equation, and release the button. You can also stretch andresize the equation if you want. If you 'grab' one of the corner circles byputting the mouse on it and pressing the left mouse button, you can make theequation bigger and smaller, releasing the mouse button when it's the rightsize. You can also stretch the equation in just one direction by 'grabbing' acircle at the top or bottom, or one of the sides. We advise againststretching the equation because it usually ends up with a result that looksweird

Resizing: Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007

If you click on the equation a box will appear around and the cursor willturn into crosshairs with arrows on them. You can now drag the equation to whereyou want it. Just press the left mouse button, drag the mouse to where you wantthe equation, and release the button. You can also stretch and resize theequation if you want. The corners have a group of three dots framing the corner,and the edges have a group of three dots in line. If you 'grab' one of the cornerdot groups by putting the mouse on it and pressing the left mouse button, youcan make the equation bigger and smaller, releasing the mouse button when it'sthe right size. You can also stretch the equation in just one direction by'grabbing' a group of dots at the top or bottom, or one of the sides. We adviseagainst stretching the equation because it usually ends up with a result thatlooks weird

Final Processing of the Equation

Figure 7 shows the final product where the equation has been moved andresized, and Figure 8 shows the same slide where the equation was stretched. Asyou can see, Figure 7 looks much better.

How To Put Fraction Into Powerpoint For Mac 2011 Version

Figure 7: Finished slide
Figure 8: Finished slide with stretched equation

Getting the Colors Right

When you make an equation, the characters will be black. This is probably acceptable for a Word document,but can be disastrous in PowerPoint, especially if a dark background is chosen for your slides. In this caseyou have two options:

  1. Choose a different slide background for your presentation, with a white background being the mostdesirable
  2. Change the color used in the equations from black to one of your choice

This section will describe how to pursue the second option.

First, all the work you've done so far is fine. Delphi diagnostic software 2019 download. All we need to do is some 'post processing' to the equationto get it right. After you've gotten the equation on the slide in the right place, we'll change the color ofthe characters. To understand how this works, you need to know that PowerPoint considers the equation to bea special form of picture, so that's how we'll proceed.

Make sure the equation has been selected. You can tell that it has beenselected by seeing the white dots around the perimeter of the equation. Ifyou don't see the dots, click on the equation once and they will appear.Note: Do not double click on the equation, or you'll end up back inEquation Editor. The dots around the perimeter can be used to resizethe equation, but right now we just want to make sure the equation isselected.

Changing the text color: Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003

Once the equation is selected, move the mouse over the equation and right click the mouse. This will bringup a popup menu. About halfway down the menu you'll see an item 'Show Picture Toolbar'. Click this item. Asmall toolbar will appear over the slide containing a number of icons. At the right end of the toolbar you'llsee an icon of a can of paint being poured over a picture. If you 'hover' the mouse over this icon, you'll seea 'popup tip' with the caption 'Recolor Picture'. Click on this icon.

A popup window will occur with a title of 'Recolor Picture', with your equation being shown (probably inblack) on the right side of the window. On the left side of the window you'll see several lines of color bars,with each line containing a column called 'Original' and 'New'. What these bars do is allow you to map the'Original' color into the 'New' color of your choice. To the right of the 'New' color is a pulldown arrow.Click on this arrow and a popup selection of colors will appear. If you like one of the colors shown, click onit. This will cause the 'New' color in the bar to change to your selection, and a checkmark to appear in the boxat the left end of this line to indicate that the original color is being changed. If you find the election ofcolors to be too limiting, when the popup selection appears, click on 'More Colors..' and you'll see all thecolors PowerPoint can make, arranged like an artist's palette. In the bottom right corner of this window is a boxof the color you selected. Click the dot of the color you want. The box in the lower right corner will now showthe old color and the new color. If you don't like your choice, keep clicking dots until you see one your like,or click 'Cancel' to give up. If you find a color you like, click 'OK' and you'll return to the 'Recolor Picture'window. The right side of the window will now show the equation in the color you chose. If you don't like the result,just repeat this process. If you do, click 'OK', and you'll return back to your slide with the equation in thecolor you like.

Changing the text color: Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007

This functionality is not available in PowerPoint 2007. The workaround to this lack is to create andproperly format the equation in Word 2007, and then copy and 'Paste Special' into PowerPoint 2007, as describedat the start of this page.

How To Put Fraction Into Powerpoint For Mac 2011 Help


You now know how you can make good looking slides with good lookingequations in them. This will give you a competitive edge against otherswho don't know how to do this. You'll find that the same techniques canbe used for many other types of objects, such as Excel spreadsheets,video files, and many others. If you want to review the full range of whatyou can include, go to back to the PowerPoint menu and select 'Insert'and 'Object' again. This time scroll through the list of types and you'llsee a rich selection. All of them work the same way, as we described here.

How To Put Fraction Into Powerpoint For Mac 2011 Download

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